Monday, November 3, 2008

Write a blog about the subject(s) you'd like to research for your Report paper. What academic topic interests you? Why? What has inspired you to write about that topic? What research have you done so far? Is this a field in which you're already becoming an expert, or are you just starting out? What are your plans for learning more? Do you have any ideas for "primary" research (observations, interviews, surveys) you can conduct?

Choosing a topic for this report wasn't the hardest decision I've ever made; however, it was difficult. Exercise Science and Secondary Education are some things I have a true passion for and I knew I wanted to write about a particular matter in that subject area, but narrowing it down to a more specific topic was quite a challenge. After some serious brainstorming, I realized that students in high school health and physical education classes aren't as informed as they should be. I think that reaching out to young people...while they're still vital to teaching them the basic knowledge they will need beyond high school and for the rest of their life. Today, many teenagers are unhappy with their appearance and suffer from eating disorders, depression, and even harassment from other students. A majority of these things can be avoided by simply eating healthy and exercising. It all comes down to the simply saying "If you look good, you feel good."

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